2014年6月10日 星期二

TD Ameritrade退稅新選擇-Demand Deposit Account (DDA) number

今年在Form 1040NR填寫申請直接退稅到TD Ameritrade的投資朋友們應該會發現:TD Ameritrade不接受直接退稅了。

以往大家在Form 1040NR71b Routing number填的是10400001671d Account number填的是12341234+9TD帳號。

Routing number可以發現,之前提供直接退稅服務的銀行,其實就是我們匯款的受款行:First National Bank Of Omaha

為何停止服務不得而知,但TD另外提供我們一個專屬帳號,提供這項服務銀行是TD的關係企業:TD Bank,而我們所要申請的帳號叫做Demand Deposit Account (DDA) number

首先登入TD的官網,選擇「Client Services」,進入左方的「Message Center」。

左邊的Topic選擇「Client Services」,Inquire about選擇「Taxes」,內容可參考以下範例:

Dear TD Ameritrade:

I would like to apply demand deposit account for tax refund.

Thank you for your help.



Thank you for choosing TD Ameritrade.
I have requested a DDA number be added to your account. We should have the number for you within about 2 business days. At that point, we will be able to provide you the DDA number and the associated routing number so you can start depositing funds into your account.

兩天後,TD會寄主旨為「Your DDA number for Direct Deposit 」的訊息,裡面包含了「10」的DDA number跟一個標示Routing number021912915附件

Thank you for your interest in using our direct deposit service to deposit your paycheck, pension check, Social Security payment, or any other regular payments.

We've established a separate Demand Deposit Account (DDA) number that will be used to directly deposit funds into your brokerage account ending in XXXX.

Your DDA number is 1234567890.(此為範例,請依收到訊息內容為主)

DDA is valid for deposits only.

We are also attaching a direct deposit form. Please fill in the necessary information and provide the completed form to your employer or payroll provider to start your direct deposits.

接著我們就可以將這兩個訊息填入Form 1040NR中,記得在71c選擇「Checking」。



備註2:收到通知後一定要確認DDA number是否為10。我收到時只有8,詢問TD給我的答覆是「Typo」,所以大家一定要確認清楚,否則收不到退稅就虧大了。